Known Issues & Work Arounds

Unable to Edit Content Post Upgrade with an XSL error.

After upgrading, if the system has any custom XSL controls configured for use in Content Editors, the Control XSL files need to be updated to point at the new System XML Catalog.  

The following error may be displayed in the logs:

Could not compile stylesheet
The call-stack was:
An exception occurred while processing the ContentEditor XML document through the 
file:sys_resources/stylesheets/contentEdit.xsl style sheet:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Could not compile stylesheet
The entity "nbsp" was referenced, but not declared. Could not compile stylesheet

Custom XSL controls are usually deployed to the <Install Directory>\rx_resources\stylesheets\controls folder.  Follow the instructions in the XML Catalog overview for Updating Custom Controls to correct this issue.